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Amesbury Rotary

68 Elm Street
Amesbury, Massachusetts 01913
Phone: 603-430-0111
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The Amesbury Rotary Club was founded in 1925. Since then, hundreds of club members have contributed their time, skills and money to service projects in our local community, as well as projects abroad.

Many of our programs focus on youth; such as reading in classrooms, distributing dictionaries, funding scholarships, bicycling safety, and giving leadership awards to the most outstanding teachers. The Amesbury Rotary Club's attention to the young draws local high school students who participate in a Rotary sponsored group called Interact, which in turn, is active in raising funds for school uniforms for the children in the village of Esabalu, Kenya; a village whose needs Amesbury Rotary has been contributing to for over ten years. Other international activity includes exchange programs for students and young professionals. Amesbury also participates in the worldwide End Polio Now project. 

If you have an inclination to give of yourself, to benefit others in our local communities or abroad, give Rotary some thought! The motto of Rotary across the globe is “Service Above Self”. Our Rotary motto for this year is Serve to Change Lives.

We invite you to join us at one of our weekly meetings as a guest! Meetings alternate between Wednesday evenings at 5pm at Game Time and Wednesday's at noon at Ristorante Molise. Please send us an email at for more information!

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