About the Amesbury Cultural Council
Our Mission
The Amesbury Cultural Council helps foster and promote the cultural enjoyment and enrichment of our citizens through local and regional arts and culture events and programs.
The Amesbury Cultural Council solicits grant requests, selects grant recipients, and awards grant funds made available annually from the Massachusetts Cultural Council for the funding of artistic and cultural projects and programs in and around Amesbury. Note: LCC grant recipients for 2011 were selected in December and are listed on the Amesbury page of the MA Cultural Council website here.
The Cultural Council also organizes the annual Amesbury Open Studio Tour. The 14th annual Amesbury Open Studio Tour was held on November 13 and 14; see our Studio Tour website at http://www.amesburystudiotour.com. Huge thanks to web site creator Paul MacEachern and collaborator Frank Czar!
For local cultural events check the Amesbury Calendar of Events (http://www.amesburyma.gov/calendar_events.cfm) for the green "Community Event" entries for listings, descriptions, and links to details.
The Cultural Council meets the second Monday of the month at the Amesbury Cultural Center; for our specific meeting dates visit the Calendar of Events.