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Ponder On It, Pilgrims by Charles Hamm

Texas Grit, Critter Councils, and Cookie Bandits from a real life cowboy who lives on top of Round Mountain.

Charles Hamm is the common sense we are all missing in this upside-down world. This World-class storyteller extraordinaire invites you to sit down for a spell and helps you ponder on your own life and see the world with new eyes.


This book is full of salt-of-the-earth stories explaining fundamental truths and irrevocable events in one’s life.
Here’s a taste of some of Charles Hamm’s Texas Grit to Stick in Your Craw:

  • The way I see it, there are just two kinds of people in this world. Folks who hunt and fish, and folks who kill and catch.
  • Wisdom is born of knowledge and experience. However, knowledge and experience will not necessarily make one wise.
  • Be careful what you wish for. Folks who like war stories most likely don't have their own to tell.
  • Be Smarter Than the Acorn: The way I see it, there ain't but two ways to git to the top of a big white oak tree. Ya ain't gotta be real bright to figure it out. You can climb it or sit on an acorn and wait.
  • Never let the skivvies you wore today smell up your tomorrow.
  • Look here boys and girls. You can't keep negative, toxic, angry, offensive, or insulting people out of your life. But you can keep them out of your head.
  • You’re Only As Good as Your Tools: A knife that won’t cut isn’t worth much.

Sit around the virtual campfire with Charles as he spins his tales and shares his wit, wisdom and Texas humor.

Click here to visit to learn more about Charles the Sage of Round Mountain!